Musica Poëtica Organica

- the small organ as a way of touching the emotions


audio CD - MHCD 107

Mediaeval dance:

anon, Anello

313 kb

67 kb

Mediaeval song:

anon, Ave Regina

312 kb

67 kb

Early Renaissance:

Conrad Paumann: Enavois

318 kb

68 kb

High Renaissance:

Antonio Gardano: dances

337 kb

72 kb

17th C. stile antico:

Adriano Banchieri, Sonata

318 kb

68 kb

17th C. stile moderno

Giacomo Carissimi, Salve puerile

318 kb

68 kb


Matthew Locke, prelude

390 kb

83 kb


Daniel Speer, dances

397 kb

84 kb

Stil Galant

Sgr. Fraentzel, Adagio

long version

short version
1 mb
230 kb

316 kb

67 kb

David Kettlewell plays love-songs and other music to touch the emotions on the choir-organ in Gudmundrå Church, northern Sweden

Recording - Kjell Persson

Musica Poëtica - the renaissance musician's approach to creating music in specific ways to move the emotions in specific ways;
Organica - when this is expressed on the organ

you can read more about musica poëtica here

1440 - anon Bologna, Ave regina cœlorum
1470 - anon Piacenza, Anello
1475 - Conrad Paumann, En avois
1500 - Adrian Willaert, Fantasia
1551 - Antonio Gardano, Pavana - Pass'e mezo - Gagliarda
1553 - anon Madrid/Napoli/Venezia, villancico, Dad me albricias
1553 - anon Madrid/Napoli/Venezia, villancico, Vos virgen
1590 - Giovanni Maria Nanini, canzonetta, Quando el cigno sonore
1600 - Giovanni Caccini, aria, Dovro dunque morire
1600 - John Dowland, Preludium - Galliard - Pavan -
Almain - Jigg
1610 - Adriano Banchieri, Sonata all'intrada
1610 - William Byrd, A voluntarie
1620 - Biagio Marini,
1630 - Lodovico Grandi, aria, O quam tu pulcra es
1640 - Giacomo Carissimi, aria, Salve puerile
1650 - Mauritio Cazzati, Aria-Corrente
1670 - anon, Wexio, Cassandra-suite
1670 - Matthew Locke, Prelude
1690 - Daniel Speer, Ordnung C-dur: Aria-Menuet-Saraband
1770 - Signr. Fraentzel, Adagio

NB - a few of the tracks are the same as on the sampler CD Music for an Historic Church