Karin Skoglund sings with the zither


video DVD - MHDVD 107

Samples coming later!

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Karin continues and develops the old tradition of singing optimistic revivalist hymns and sentimental Swedish broadside ballads, skillingtryck, accompanying herself on the Swedish chord zither, cittra, although she has developed a playing style way beyond the simple chords which you otherwise hear.

The music is also included on the DVD 'My Life as a Blacksmith'.

Karin is also featured on the DVD of the mediæval mass, the CD-ROM of Ytterlennes mediæval church and the audio CDs Music for an Historic Church, A Sonnet of Strings and In a Cottage in a Wood.

  • Si go'afton och go'kväll
  • Barnatro
  • Stjärnor i kronan
  • Guldgrävarsången
  • Alpens ros
  • Lilla Ester
  • O sällhet stor!

- 24 minutes -

On the same disc as the Mediæval Mass 2004 and Traditional Haymaking 2004 - total 1 hour 34 minutes -